Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Schematic Analysis of Medical Coronation Rituals Research Paper

A Schematic Analysis of Medical Coronation Rituals - Research Paper Example Schematic analysis of medieval coronation rituals indicates how powerful these factors are and how aware medical rulers were of the effects they could have. Ritual and symbolic communication have very specific characteristics (Luger, 2003). â€Å"When individual factors of communication are reduced and constitutive conditions changed or distorted, certain consequences for communication ensue...The ritualized element in speech is characterized by restricted individuality, as well as by being the consequence of a specific over-conventionalization† (Lager, 2003). Coronation rituals are a form of ritualistic communication that in a sense brings this to its height: While superficially an individual is gaining tremendous power, in actual fact an institution is being filled. One of the ways that medieval rulers brought to mind schema that would confer legitimacy and power was the connection to Old Testament rulers in imagery (Hedeman, 1991). â€Å"Ceremony and art dealing more speci fically with the king also associated biblical with French kingship. One of the most important ceremonies to do this was the French coronation, versions of which were drafted around 1230 and again around 1250† (Hedeman, 1991, 10).... Men like Moses and Abraham were leaders of men, wise and capable. These schema would bring to mind in the subjects of the Capetians images and feelings of power, wisdom, charisma and strength. â€Å"The changed subject matter and new narrative style in these cycles invested religious history with a "new prescriptive force" to become an example for royal behavior† (Hedeman, 1991, 10). Coronation rituals thus used Old Testament elements. One conclusion that is utterly clear is that the kings had no limit to their audacity. â€Å"After Louis's canonization in 1297, hagiographic programs, frequently presented within a dynastic framework, became more common at court. The presence of a royal saint allowed subsequent rulers such as Philip III or Philip the Fair to glorify the royal house by promoting the cult of their saintly forebear† (Hedeman, 1991, 10). Prior to the beatification of Louis IX, it would be impossible to imagine using New Testament imagery: This would place th e kings on the level of the saints or the Apostles and would be tantamount to blasphemy. But after a canonization, it was possible to use the imagery of the New Testament and of sainthood to give the dynasty an even more blessed touch. But it is not just religious legitimacy and imagery that is deployed. â€Å"Increasingly, courtly commissions emphasized the continuous succession of the three races of French kings, a succession whose length and holiness, confirmed by the sainthood of Louis IX, were the subject of the Grandes Chroniques de France† (Hedeman, 1991, 10). Schema for coronations are not just ways of establishing the power, wisdom and strength of the ruler to the people, but also the ongoing vitality and legitimacy of the institution of the kinghood itself.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Egypt’s Culture and Political System Essay Example for Free

Egypt’s Culture and Political System Essay The Egyptian culture is considered one of the oldest cultures in human history. Surprisingly, it almost has some of gender equality except that it needs more to consider, in order achieving the third Millennium Development Goal, which talks of achieving gender equity/equality and women empowerment by 2015. I would recommend that the Egyptian constitution considers enacting and/or passing several legislations in favor of women and as well give recognition to the informal market sector, where bulks of the women are making meaningful contribution to the economy. I would also recommend that this ancient nation and culture acknowledges the home, where the men considerably have all the major decision making powers. I am of the conviction that women make sound and major decisions as well and can provide better and transformation ideas, realizing the remarkably undeniable work of the women of Liberia during the civil war. I believe that if our generation begins to identify the errors of past generations, relative to gender-related issues, and if we address those issues in more formal ways by beginning to give women their rightful places in society; ensuring that opportunities and privileges are equally and equitably distributed, our world can be the most enjoyable place even for generations unborn. In an effort to do this, we must begin with an identification of the problems as stated above, discuss them thoroughly as a way of enabling us to craft or design ideas that would amicably resolve them for the better of our general world, beginning with the Egyptian society. In Egypt the political system of policies and regulations of its political structure is based on its fundamental laws and practices. Most of which shows how the Egyptian government positions its power on the state and the society it governs. Egypt started out being a Republic adopting a democratic system. This system  defines the way i n which it uses its public authority. There are basically six parts to this system. The first is the constitutional system. There was a constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt in 1971 that was used but then had a written amendment to it in 1980. The actual amendment had commonality in the English Common Law which came from the Napoleonic Code. It simply explains that Egypt declares it’s self as an Arab Republic with a democratic system. The second part is called the Executive Branch. The president is called the Head of State. The head of state is selected by a minimum one-third majority of the Majlis ash-Sha’ab, which is the â€Å"People’s Assembly. The People’s Assembly must approve by a minimum of two-thirds and have to be elected by a majority referendum. The election term is for six years with the possibility for re-election with conditional reasons for return. Putting into to play the general state policy is made up and supervised by the Head of State. He also rules the Armed Force. The last elected president of the republic was Mohammed Hosni Mubarak. The supreme executive and administrative organ of the State is the government; they are comprised of the Council of Ministers. This is ruled by the Prime Minister and he is the overseer of the work of the government. The highest part of the government is the Executive and administrative part of the Egyptian Republic is the Council of Ministers. The Ministers are together responsible for the policy and procedure of the State before the Peoples Assembly, every Minister is responsible for the performance of his Ministry and is held to accountability to do so. The Parliament has great power as well. They have the power to withdraw confidence from the Cabinet or from any Cabinet member and leave them powerless. The fourth part of this system is the Legislative Branch. This branch of the Egyptian Parliament is a reflection in character and consists of the Peoples Assembly, or Majlis El-Shaab and the Advisory Council or Majlis El-Shourah. â€Å"The Peoples Assembly is the legislative branch of the State consisting of 444 directly elected members and 10 members appointed by the President, who serve for a term of five years. It has the power to approve the general policy, new laws, the budget and the development plans of the government. It also has the authority to undertake investigations and to levy taxes, besides appointing the Presidential candidate and passing a vote of no-confidence in the cabinet. The Advisory Council with 140 members, out of which 70 members  are nominated by the President, is Egypts consultative council. It offers advices and consultation and proposes to the Assembly new laws and regulations† (Haas, F. 2008). The fifth part of the system is the Judicial Branch. The Judicial branch System was brought into the country introduced into the country in 1854 and predicated on the English common law, Islamic law, and Napoleonic codes system to go through for four categories of courts of justic e. Almost like the United States the highest judicial body is the Supreme Constitutional Court, the Court of Cessation. There are seven courts of Appeal in the various systems, and the Summary Tribunals in the districts are the principal court system in Egypt. It guarantees the independence of the judicial system. The fifth system is the Party of Power. This system is ruled on a multi-party system. â€Å"The Law 40 of 1977 regulates the development of political parties in Egypt. Though there is currently 17 active political parties representing various stands across the political spectrum, the law prohibits the creation of religious-based political parties in the state. Presently the National Democratic Party holds the majority of seats in the Peoples Assembly† (History. 2012). The sixth system is the local government. This is headed by a Governor who is appointed by the President which is very different as to how they are selected in the US. â€Å"Egypt is administratively divided into 26 Governorates. Within their districts, local government units establish and run all public utilities, prov ide services and designate industrial areas. Working closely at various levels with local government is the Local Popular Councils. The basics: Egypt is a large, mostly Arab, mostly Muslim country. At around 80 million people, it has the largest population in the Middle East and the third-largest in Africa. Most of Egypt is in North Africa, although the part of the country that borders Israel, the Sinai Peninsula, is in Asia. Its other neighbors are Sudan to the South, Libya to the West, and Saudi Arabia across the Gulf of Aqaba to the East. It has been was ruled by Hosni Mubarak since from 1981 until February 11th†( Pew Research Center 2011, November 17). As to what is going on today in Egypt. There has been fierce protest in Egypt that has been promoted by the recent protests in which led to the fall of the Tunisian government as well as getting rid of longtime Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. The Egyptians have gathered momentum to get support of other protesters across the Arab world in Algeria, notably in  protesting their autocratic governments, high levels of corruption, and grinding pove rty. This is a big reason Why Egyptians unhappy and disturbed about the government. They feel they have no basic freedom than Tunisians. â€Å"Egypt is ranked 138th of 167 countries on The Economists Democracy index, a widely accepted measure of political freedom. That ranking puts Egypt just seven spots ahead of Tunisia. And Egyptians are significantly poorer than their cousins to the west† (Mislan, D. 2012). How did this all start? These protests started with the protests in Tunisia. Just like their Tunisian counterparts, â€Å"Egyptian protesters have pointed to a specific incident as inspiration for the unrest. Many have cited the June 2010 beating death of Khaled Said, allegedly at the hands of police, as motivation for their rage. But its also clear that the issues here are larger† (Prager, D. 2012). This seems to be complicated for the US more than Tunisia was. The â€Å"Tunisian regime was a key ally for the US in the fight against Al Qaeda. But the US governments t ies to Tunisias Ben Ali pale in comparison to American ties to Egypt. Shadi Hamid of the Brookings Institution, a centrist think tank, explains: Predictions that a Tunisia-like uprising will soon topple Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak are premature the Egyptian regime, with its well-paid military, is likely to be more unified and more ruthless than its Tunisian counterparts were. The U.S. is the primary benefactor of the Egyptian regime, which, in turn, has reliably supported American regional priorities. After Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel, Egypt is the largest recipient of U.S. assistance, including $1.3 billion in annual military aid. In other words, if the army ever decides to shoot into a crowd of unarmed protestors, it will be shooting with hardware provided by the United States. As Steven Cook of the Council on Foreign Relations points out, the Egyptian military is not there to project power, but to protect the regime (History. 2012)†. There was a movement started in Egypt called the Egyptian Movement for Change (EMC). It also has another name called, Kefaya which in English means â€Å"Enough†. This came about in 2004. Almost immediately its importance to Egyptian political life was recognized, though not understood. Both Egyptian and Western analysts have mischaracterized the movement. Interpretations have been too narrow, focusing on specific details and ignoring the movement’s broad vision, or too broad, mistaking Kefaya for a generic social movement in the Western mode. All such approaches fail to  appreciate Kefaya’s real contribution. This essay argues that Kefaya’s significance lies in its transformative potential as a broad political force that is uniquely suited to the needs of the moment in Egypt. It is at once a cross-ideological force that has the potential, in the long run, of creating a new mainstream and a movement of a new kind that is creating a distinctive and promis ing form of politics for Egypt. Egypt’s political system has reached a dead end in the early twenty-first century. The opposition political parties are locked in their headquarters, unable to communicate with the public. Virtually acquiescing to the siege of an arsenal of restrictive laws, these political parties have for years suffered from an increasingly diminishing membership, a lack of operational funds, and internecine internal feuds. The â€Å"illegality† of the Muslim Brothers (MB) has paradoxically liberated that organization from restrictions that come with governmental licensing. However, the ideology, posture, secrecy, and political tactics of the grassroots-based MB engender the mistrust of many political forces, including some Islamists. At the same time, the secularist-Islamist polarization hinders the possibility of reaching any meaningful consensus on critical issues. This blockage is not lost on the regime, the clear beneficiary of such divisions among its adversaries, and it does not augur well for the future of the brothers in a lead role in shaping Egyptian political life. Amid this political disarray, a new generation of Egyptians holds the promise for transforming politics in Egypt. They have found a home and an instrument in Kefaya and in the process have invented a new form of politics. Their innovations are historically grounded on the specifics of Egypt’s political life in recent decades. Unique Egyptian circumstances have shaped their experiences, aspirations, and vision for the future. With the seething political discontent on the one hand and the ideologically based mistrust and mutual exclusion among the political forces on the other, Egypt needs today, more than ever, a new form of politics that pulls together diverse ideas from across the political spectrum to forge a new national project. For more than a decade, a group of activists and intellectuals have interacted across ideological lines to reach a common ground. Kefaya emerged as one manifestation of these efforts and as an important illustration of the possibilities of this new politics.  While such collaborative work across ideological lines is not unique in democratic experiences around the world, Kefaya represents the first successful effort of that sort in modern Egyptian politics. This essay, based on primary sources, including open-ended interviews, statements, newspaper articles, and reports, as well as unpublished documents, is composed of three main parts. The first part explains in more detail the reasons why Kefaya has been widely mischaracterized; the second illustrates why and how Kefaya represents a new force with the potential of creating a new mainstream; and the third explores the new politics invented by Kefaya. There has been Misunderstanding Kefaya Since its early days, there have been various critical interpretations of Kefaya by politicians and intellectuals alike, at times citing deficiencies in the movement’s profile, actions, and approach, while at other times dismissing the movement outright as being a â€Å"foreign puppet† or the pastime of â€Å"a bunch of kids.† The most serious and widely noted critique of Kefaya is that it has been essentially a mere protest movement, targeting President Mubarak personally, without putting forward an alternative candidate or articulating a constructive vision for political transformation. The critique along these lines has gained more momentum since the 2005 presidential election. Because Kefaya’s main slogan expressed the rejection of a fifth term for Mubarak as well as the succession of his son, the argument goes that Kefaya lost its raison d’etre with the end of the election. â€Å"Except for rejecting the election results, symbolized by the slogan of ‘Batel’, nothing new was produced.† When Kefaya played a leading role in the formation of the National Front for Change on the eve of the subsequent parliamentary elections, it was criticized as passing the torch to the old opposition parties, the very same entities whose inaction it has been formed to face. (Haas, F. 2008)†.The EMC had been â€Å"dragged into sitting together with the leaders of the tamed opposition, instead of putting forward a demand for changing the electoral system.† While critics clearly question Kefaya’s contribution to Egyptian politics, even the more positive assessments of the EMC mischaracterize it. For example, the American Left sees Kefaya as the beginning of â€Å"the process of rebuilding an Egyptian Left crushed by decades of police oppression† and a reverse of its â€Å"political marginalization caused by the rise of political Islam (Haas, F. 2008)†. Some Egyptian analysts as well characterize Kefaya  as a â€Å"secular† protest movement and thereby implicitly expect its role to be the containment of the Islamists. Kefaya has been so widely misunderstood in the West as well as among the Western-educated elite in Egypt because of the reliance on Western social scientific classifications, notably the social movement literature, to make sense of a phenomenon emerging from the very different Egyptian context. This shortcoming is compounded by looking at Kefaya with an ideologically selective eye. While Kefaya has indeed demonstrated several of the characteristics highlighted in the literature on new social movements, it is neither single issue oriented nor concerned with identity two of the most important features of new social movements. Shoehorning Kefaya into a category derived from the experience of postindustrial societies obscures more than it illuminates. Nevertheless, the concept of the new social movement comes closest to capturing certain features of Kefaya. The movement is one of dissent, aiming in a constant and persistent endeavor toward the transformation of Egypt.4 It is a loose network of small groupings around the country. Like social movements, it aims at generating public attention and has emerged from a realization of the perils involved in conventional party politics in Egypt, marked by debilitating restrictions and dilemmas. In other words, Kefaya emerges out of realization that the institutional channels are neither neutral nor amenable to the demands for change. However, unlike conventional social movements and because of the specific necessities of the Egyptian context, Kefaya is not focused on a single issue. The same, incidentally, is true of the Islamic movement whose platform also embraces a range of issues. In addition to the breadth of the issues addressed by Kefaya, the movement is ideologically diverse. In this way, it differs from the Islamic movement. While the latter has a concrete ideology shaping its project, Kefaya goes beyond any single ideology to be the only movement in contemporary Egypt that emerged out of serious political interactions across ideological lines. Approaching Kefaya through the prism of the social movement literature, with its American scholarship emphasis on resource mobilization and political processes, blinds analysis to this distinctive feature, which is in fact one of the most important contributions of Kefaya to Egypt’s political life. There is concern about the momentum behind Egypt’s emergency law, and what it means for progress both the incredible progress that has already been  made and the equally incredible progress that has yet to be made. There is concern about the treatment and status of the Copts and other members of the Christian Egyptian minority. There is concern about the security of the Egyptian–Israeli border and about relations between the two countries in general. There is concern that the progress that has been made thus far could actually lead to a reversal of Egypt’s progress, should the freedom to elect lead to a government that constricts the freedom of the Egyptian people even more than we have seen over the past 30 years And the list could go on. Indeed, there is no shortage of things about which to worry. There is a fine line between worrying and believing. Similarly, there is a fine line between two, seemingly contradictory, truths: Some degree of discontent with our present circumstances is healthy and necessary, because discontent fuels progress; at the same time, being happy requires that we make a point of being happy wherever we are. There is a fine and difficult line between making the best of our current reality and not giving up. It is necessary to think through all possible outcomes, including the undesirable and even the remote ones. Both worrying and believing are the result of thinking. Worry and anxiety result from focusing on undesirable outcomes no matter how probable or improbable. Belief, on the other hand, is the result of focusing on the best possible outcomes again, no matter how probable or improbable. Whereas worrying fuels panic and skepticism, believing fuels faith and hope. Positive action rarely results from the chaos, fear, or feelings of scarcity that often accompany worry. Faith and hope lead to trust and courage; and trust and courage lead to positive, prosaically action. So, yes, there does seem to be a great deal to worry about right now. Even still, if theres even the remotest possibility that believing instead of worrying will lead to continued progress, and then it seems to me that believing is what we have to do. Positive Psychology has been described by Martin Seligman and others as the science of what makes life worth living; of what is working for individuals, families, communities, and society more broadly. The Positive Psychology experiment with which we are now charged is to, together, choose belief over worry. At least between now and Egypts presidential election, let us together make a conscious, deliberate decision to focus on what is working and how it can lead to the best possible future for Egypt and for the world as a whole. References Mislan, D. (2012). Cross Cultural Perspectives. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Haas, F. (2008). German Science and Black RacismRoots of the Nazi Holocaust. FASEB Journal, 22(2), 332-337. History. (2012). Germany Country Review, 7-14. Ninkovich, F. (2001). The United States and Imperialism. Wiley-Blackwell. Pew Research Center. (2011, November 17). The American-Western European Values Gap. Retrieved from Prager, D. (2012). Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph. HarperCollins.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hemingway And nada :: essays research papers

Hemingway and "Nada" In "The light of the world" written by Ernest Hemingway Steve Ketchel, a boxer symbolizes a Jesus figure for a woman called Alice. Alice, a 350 pound, unpleasant prostitute struggles with her current life. Her central being focuses at the belief that she had a sexual relationship with Steve Ketchel. This wishful illusion arises from a complex she has because of her ugly and unpleasant appearance. Nick Adams, the main Hemingway character, believes that Alice, although she has really given up her life, still has the chance to change and live a happy life. Steven K. Hoffman would call this belief Alice has "nada". Nada is a term used in Hemingways story "A clean well lighted place". Steven K. Hoffman interpreted the word in an Essay he wrote. The word nada translated to English, basically means "nothing". But further it means much more than the simple word nothing. Nada from the point of Alice's view means that there is nothing behind of her belief. That means that her life is not based on a concrete belief. She does not believe in any religion; her religion is Ketchel. That arises from her place in society. In society she is ranked very low. A prostitute has nothing to say in our society. And since she is that low she cant set her goals higher. Her goals could be the goals Jesus talks about. Her goal in life was and still is to sleep with more and more guys. Back to nada it means that she has nothing; nothing to believe in and nothing to live for. Alice lives in an illusion. It seems that she suppresses the fact that she is a fat prostitute. How much lower can you get? She suppresses her problems with her dreams and illusions. The most important belief is that she had a sexual relationship with Ketchel. That is her main belief. For a normal American, Jesus would the most important belief. Ketchel gives her the strength to withstand her complexes. Ketchel in other words symbolizes Jesus. That is of course very sad. When comparing Jesus with Ketchel, you will not find any connecting. Ketchel is just a popular boxer among her friends and she knows nothing more of him. For her Ketchel is more than just a man to have sex with. As said, for her Ketchel is Jesus. "There was never a man like that.", said Alice. Alice did not succeed in her life. Not that it is over, but till now she did not make herself happy. She is unhappy, she is a prostitute and the most

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Farenheit 451 Reflection

Reflection #1 Cipriano Echavarria Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Pg. 72 â€Å"You can’t build a house without nails and wood. If you don’t want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war†. (72) Censorship has stroked the world for many decades; fearful governments have been hiding information or modifying it to its citizens. Why? Why are governments afraid of the knowledge of their people?Knowledge is power, and throughout history we’ve seen how man is always in search for more knowledge, curious on finding explanations to unanswered questions and on analyzing both sides to a question. Knowledge of people has caused many problems to world governments, many revolutions and wars have started due to the fact that citizens have encountered a new form of thinking. Fahrenh eit 451 portrays a futuristic society in which the government has censored everything, from books to newspapers and from T.V shows to Radio shows. This society never experiments conflict or disagreement because everybody is taught the same things and therefore think the same way. This has made me think on which is actually the best way to rule a society. Is it the way most countries in the world implement, an uncensored and free-thinking way, were due to the different opinions and thoughts many conflicts are created which lead to death, torture and cruelty. Or is it the way shown in the book, were everybody is thought to think the same way.I arrived to a conclusion and basing myself on the Human Rights Declaration, people should be free on what information they want to know and on how they want to think, but they must be taught to respect differences, and to be tolerant in order to avoid conflict. Reflection #2 Cipriano Echavarria Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Pg. 181 I really enjoy ed myself and learned a lot while reading this book. I’ve never liked fiction or realistic-fiction books but I’ve got to admit that this book will make me think twice whenever I’ll have to choose between a fiction and a non-fiction book.The author did a really god job on creating a Futuristic place were many things were associated to reality but had different roles. For example, firemen instead of having to extinguish fire had to create fires which burned books. This makes you think about reality and ask yourself questions about how would society be if roles were inverted, if firemen instead of extinguishing fires created them, if policemen instead of providing security against thefts and murders would attack you, if drugs were legal etc.The book not only provided an interesting perspective on how would a society be if everyone thought the same way but it also gave many lectures about love and friendship. It showed how Montag (main character) didn’t love his wife and that even though he pretended and tried to be happy with her and tried to love her wasn’t able to do it. This made me think about the importance of love, and of never trying to trick your feelings on trying to make them love a person who you really don’t, it also made me think (as harsh as it could sound) if I really loved my girlfriend or if she was just a person who physically and mentally attracted me.Finally the author did a great job in writing many quotes that relates to everyday situations, one of the quotes that I most liked and related to was: â€Å"We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at least one which makes the heart run over. † The author used this quote to explain Montags feelings towards a girl named Clarisse, which after a short time being friends Montag started to love.This quote extreme ly relates to a situation I experienced in the past, my best friend and I let our hearts â€Å"run over† and after many years of being friends we fell in love. Fahrenheit has been probably the book from which I’ve most learned about and the one with I could relate the most; it’s my new favorite book. It’s curious how things in life just arrive in the perfect moment. A week ago I was in the UN model of Barranquilla discussing Extrajudicial Executions and censorship done by the government; coincidentally Fahrenheit 451 is based on different types of Extrajudicial Executions and censorship done by the government.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Duke Ellington

Edward Kennedy â€Å"Duke† Ellington (April 29, 1899 – May 24, 1974) was an American composer, pianist, and bandleader. Duke Ellington was thought to be one of the most influential figures in jazz, if not in all American music. After his death in 1974, he became even more popular. He even received a special award citation from the Pulitzer Prize Board. Ellington called his music â€Å"American Music† rather than jazz. He liked to describe those who impressed him as â€Å"beyond category†. Those belonging to this group included many of the musicians who served with his orchestra. Some of his band members were among the giants of jazz and performed with Ellington's orchestra for decades. It was Duke Ellington, however, who melded them into one of the most well-known orchestral units in the history of jazz. He often composed specifically for the style and skills of these individuals. Some of these songs included â€Å"Jeep's Blues† for Johnny Hodges, â€Å"Concerto for Cootie† (â€Å"Do Nothing Till You Hear from Me†) for Cootie Williams and â€Å"The Mooche† for Tricky Sam Nanton. He also recorded songs written by his bandsmen, such as Juan Tizol's â€Å"Caravan† and â€Å"Perdido† which brought the â€Å"Spanish Tinge† to big-band jazz. After 1941, he began to collaborate with composer-arranger Billy Strayhorn. Ellington often referred to Billy Strayhorn as his â€Å"alter-ego†. Duke Ellington is considered one of the 20th century's best-known artists. He also recorded for many American record companies, and appeared in several films. Ellington and his orchestra toured the United States and Europe regularly before and after World War II. He led his band from 1923 until his death in 1974. His son, Mercer Ellington, continued touring with the band until his death from cancer in 1996. Paul Ellington, Mercer's youngest son, took over the orchestra in 1996. After his mother's passing, Paul Ellington took over the estate of Duke and Mercer Ellington. Duke Ellington

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sunwind Ab Case Essays

Sunwind Ab Case Essays Sunwind Ab Case Paper Sunwind Ab Case Paper 2) Draw the schematic flow diagram for Sunwind and all Volvo plants. (Draw at abstract level not detailed level). Provides detail of distances and demand (quantity based on 1987 forecast) flow. Ans) Demand of Sunwind is 1250/week = 1250*45 = 56250 units The following table gives us the demand of each plant yearly for the year 1985 Plant|   | Torslando | Kalmar| Ghent| Total| Year| 1985| 17050| 4525| 12090| 33665| | %| 50. 65%| 13. 44%| 35. 1%| 100%| Year| 1987| 32919. 947| 8736. 819| 23343. 23| 65000| Depending on the percentage of share of each plant of the total in 1985, the same percentage is used to calculate the demand of each plant in 1987, as we know the total production of Volvo from all the plants put together in 1987. 3) What are the challenges facing Sunwind? Do they need a change in strategy by Sunwind? Why? Ans The challenges faced by SUNWIND are as follows : The main problem is to meet the increase in the demand from Volvo which is around 650 p er week in 1985 to 1200 per week in 1986 * There is also a problem of meeting the quality of the finished products supplied by them, some of the machines like gluing machine had proved particularly troublesome and has increased rejects. * Some other bothering issues would be the off-spec plywood blanks received from Finnish supplier. * The rejection of the batches by Volvo as they haven’t met the quality constraints imposed by them. The demand for the finished goods is around 1400 units/week while the ideal capacity of plant excluding wastages is only 1250 units/week; this mismatch is of a greatest concern for the Sunwind in the present scenario. * The trend of the major manufacturers like Toyota who are working on â€Å"Less† suppliers’ model to increase the efficiency is of a big threat as Volvo might even persuade it. * The system of JIT which is being implemented recently by the Volvo group, the Belgian manufacturer is turning out to be major competitor to S unwood on this perspective. The batch size if we see for different operations varies from 2500 to 500, such a huge amount of batch size might lead to having no control over the quality issues i. e. in case of any damage done its hard to find out and the who batch has to be set off which is of a huge loss for the plant. * This large batch size might also increases the MLT hence leads to a lot of inventory which has a lot of adverse effects. For the other part of the question whether they need to change the strategy of the Sunwind or not, yes they have to change indeed to so as to protect themselves from Volvo by meeting their demand needs. At the same time the technological aspects of Sunwind are at a ground level, they need to compete with the competitors and have to go for new machinery. Right now they are not following the JIT method while Volvo has gone for it, In that case to meet the Volvo demands it might have to put a huge pile of raw materials instead if it makes itself a JIT system it could save itself from one of the competitors. Their batch size as mentioned before is also very large, hence they need to change this strategy too. There is a quality issue also being faced hence they a need a new strategy which can address all these issues in a very efficient way. ) What are the benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind? How Volvo will get benefited if Sunwind goes for JIT production and delivery? Ans) The benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind are 1. The main advantage would be saving on inventory i. e. there is no need to spend a lot of money in storing the inventory for huge number of days until it is used inste ad JIT takes care of inventory only when needed hence there is no idle inventory. 2. The JIT system will take care of the batch size this will help increasing the frequency and also easy transportation and on time as the batch size is small 3. In case of any defects the wastage would be in a small scale 4. The quality issue can be addressed, if we have the batch size to be small there is an every chance to make strict quality checks and reject the rest. 5. This helps in cutting the waste by cutting the excess capacity or inventory and removing the non value-added activities. 6. This will develop a close relationship with their suppliers, in a way they will get suppliers as a partner in the venture. 7. This will also encourage the suppliers to get themselves placed in and around the Sunwood plant so as to deliver the raw materials on time. 8. This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Sunwind on behalf of the suppliers whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. 9. He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. 10. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together. The advantages of the Volvo if Sunwind go for JIT is same as the ones enjoyed by Sunwind on behalf of their supplies * This will develop a close relationship with Sunwind. * This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Volvo on behalf of the Sunwind whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. * He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together. 6) How many varieties of products does the Sunwind manufacture for Volvo? How does this information help to design production and delivery? Ans) Sunwind was the only supplier for the floorlid for the 5-door 700 serie s station wagon. These were offered in several carpet/ colour combinations. The lid comprised of 4 separate items front panel, rear panel, left panel and the right panel. The carpeting could be any of four different colour choices – beige, blue, black and burgundy. The carpeting could be either needle felt or tufted. Thus 32 part numbers were needed to specify a particular part/ colour/ carpet combination 4 parts x 4 colours x 2 carpets = 32 This data of the variety of products being manufacture will give us an advantage of designing the production through JIT. One of the process considerations in lean systems â€Å"Uniform workstation loads â€Å" comes into the picture. This in turn would decrease the big lots there by decreasing the average inventory level. We can follow the production model of â€Å"heijunka† which is the levelling of production load by both volume and product mix. Using this what we can do is to form batches in a way so that each batch gives us 32 varieties of different materials instead of having the same variety in a batch. This would help workers to get acquaintance of all the products and also though there is any wastage in a batch the other batch can cover up for it, if a batch has all the products of same kind it would be a problem if there is any defect or quality issues. Thus this data of the variety of products gives us the division of batches in an efficient way which reduces the extra non value added costs. 8) Provides details of some critical characteristics of one of the Volvo operations (Customer interface point) between Volvo and Sunwind. How does may this information be helpful to get advance intimation to prepare the next JIT delivery? Ans) Sunwind’s interface with Volvo parts at the order placement. Every 4 weeks Volvo send an order form indication the requirement over a 60 week planning horizon. This was broken into seven 4 week periods and one 32 week period. The next interface was at the loading stage of the shipping process. Volvo mandated that it suppliers use Volvo’s wholly owned transport company, use standard containers and ship one part per container. Sunwind ordered transportation and empty containers as required. Post shipping, the next interface would be at the inspection upon receipt of parts by Volvo. If the randomly chosen container did not pass the stringent quality control criteria, the entire shipment would be rejected and the supplier would be called. Sunwind could then either replace the entire shipment ot come to Torslanda to check the rejected shipments and replace the defective parts. Rejected parts were either scrapped or sent back to the supplier at the supplier’s expense. The fault would be officially notified and the next shipment would be subjected to 100% inspection. The interface points are at various stages in the part procurement process. Continuous communication between supplier and vendor enables updation of records on both ends and real time flow of information. The 4 week periodical order placement can help Sunwind plan its production such that they complete production just in time for shipment and the shipment occurs just in time for assembly at Volvo. Shipping is done through Volvo’s own transport system. Knowledge of the production schedules of Volvo in advance will enable Sunwind to request transport and containers in advance so that they arrive just in time for loading. This makes for efficient operations as the production can then be planned to meet the shipment schedule. Inspection procedure is well defined and knowledge of this can help Sunwind optimize its production to avoidrejection upon shipment. Rejection of shipments can be costly and they run the risk of not being able to meet the just in time production schedule. 9) How KANBAN, facilitator of JIT inventory Design be used for Sunwind operations? Show few sample calculations. Ans) In order to avoid the stock outs or overproduction Kanban can be used as a facilitator of JIT system. According to Kanban system, there is a card which contains the requirement or the supply of units written on it. Once if the card reaches the supplier depending on the requirements the desired date the supplier manufactures or prepare the goods and then they will be put in the same box with the card in place. The same process is done when the units reach the ordered company it will crosscheck the number of units in the box with the required in the card, once it matches it will then proceed to the operations. The best use of this comes when the manufacturing process has lots of operations involved in it with different batch sizes and cycle time and lead time. For example if we take Sunwind it has 8 operations with different batch sizes hence by using this it can send the Kanban cards at will according to the lead time to the respective suppliers and they can receive the desired goods right on time and can verify it also accordingly. The basic formulae to calculate the number of Kanban cards is Kanban quantity = Daily Demand x Lead time (in days) x Safety factor Container quantity Here the daily demand can be calculated as we know that the demand per week is 1250 and there are 5 working days per week thus the daily demand is 250 units The lead time here as it is not mentioned clearly anywhere in the case we have taken the sentence† the production is planned two weeks before†. Using that we can get the lead time as 2 weeks i. e. 14 days (including working and non-working days) Safety factor: we are taking a standard 10%(assumption) hence the whole quantity is multiplied by 1. 1 Container quantity is given in the case as 20 units Hence Kanban quantity = 250*14*1. 1 = 192. 5 20 Thus using this estimate this will give us a forecast of how many Kanban cards are in place for the JIT beforehand and would make the process efficient enough. 1) Repeat Q10 for Volvo’s Kalmar and Ghent plants. Write only short discussion and detailed calculation and diagram is not expected as in Q10. Ans) The distance plays a major role when it comes to Kalmar and Ghent plants as for us to make a JIT delivery of 4 times a day, the transportation including all logistics plays the deciding factor. Similarly if we look into th is case the distances are shown below Save to Kalmar 179. 82 Miles or 289. 39 KM (Source : mapcrow. info) Save to Ghent 1284 KM (source : Google Maps) For both the plants if we see there is no feasibility to do the JIT supply 4 times a day as the distance is so large that the transportation becomes a problem and even though if pains are taken and the things are meeting the deadline, the efficiency decreases as this will in no way an add on for the current existing process in terms of the ROI ( Return on Investment ). Q 5 ) Draw the process flow diagram of Sunwind operations. Perform capacity analysis Sunwind’s operations. Is the capacity at plant sufficient to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) of all VOLVO plants? How would you interpret the capacity calculations? (Consider a batch size and process time information in Exhibit 8). What is the Manufacturing Lead time? Do you think it is right or a long MLT in line with JIT requirement? If it is short or long, what is cause of such short/Long MLT? Ans. Operation 2- Painting Cycle time: 1. 15 min Operation 34-batterns, riveting inserting studs Cycle time: 6. 85 min mins Operation 1-Shaping plywood panel Cycle time-2. 8 min Raw material (plywood) Operation 7- Attaching metal and carpet fixtures Cycle Time: 2. 2 min Operation 6-Gluing Carpet Cycle Time: 4. 25 min Operation 5-Mounting hinges Cycle Time: 0. 95 min Operation 8-Assembly of left and right units Operation 3 is the bottleneck with maximum cycle time of 6. 85 mins. So it becomes the cycle time for the entire process. The working time for a personnel/week = 40. 7 hours. So, effective working hours/day= 8. 14 hours. Therefore, total no. of units produced/ day=8. 14*60/6. 85= 71 units. ( considering 100 % capacity utilisation) So at 100 % utilization,output/week= 71*5= 355 units/ week Monthly production= 1420 units. Starting from January 1985 Volvo’s maximum demand per month till July was 1115 units. So Sunwind was able to meet the demand . In August 1985 when demand of Volvo’s three plants surmounted to 4000 units / month Sunwind was unable to supply the required quantity. In 1986 when the forecasted demand of Volve stands 1387 units/ week present capacity of Sunwind ( 355 units/ week) is not sufficient to meet the demand . Direct labor content ( parts fabrication + operations 1-9 ) =18. 8+25. 2+5. 15= 49. 15 mins/ shirt (excluding set up time) If we consider batch sizes of 500 (operation 6 has the minimum batch size of 500) the changed cycle time for each operation are as follows: Operation 4 with zero set up time still remains the bottle neck time and hence the cycle time. So the batch size does not influence the process cycle time. To meet the average forecasted demand of 1400 units/week in 1986 the cycle time of the entire process should be 1. 4 min assuming the plant operates at 80 % efficiency level. Since different operations have different WIPs( according to batches as shown below): Manufacturing lead time is given by MLT= WIP * Cycle time At current plant capacity, considering lids are produced in batches of 500 MLT= (2500+1500+1000+1500+500+500)* 6. 85 = 51375 mins =856. 25 hrs= 21 weeks (considering working hours of 40. 7 /week as bottleneck operation is run in 1 shift only) The lead time is very high and the primary cause for this is large lot size used for production. A high MLT cannot go hand in hand with JIT production. The JIT philosophy is timely delivery of customer order . To meet the delivery deadline for a JIT e need to start the production as soon as the order is booked. For this we need to maintain a minimum Manufacturing Lead Time as products are produced in batches. Q 7) Should Lars Olav were to design a JIT programme at Sunwind, what should be its elements? Give details about the current status and future requirement of few essential ingredients of JIT/Lean elements requiring improvement/change in Sunwind. Please suggest/show your improved/chan ged version of the Sunwind operations process to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) to all Volvo plants. Hint: You may like to meet the new demand (1987 forecast) by balancing the capacity of Sunwind operations. Ans. The elements of a JIT programme would be as follows: 1) Make to order strategy and not make to stock. This will reduce over production which not only creates excessive lead times and inventory but also makes it difficult to detect defects. 2) Reduction of inventory level so as to identify quality issues more promptly and effectively thereby correcting at source instead of creating rejections at end. ) Setting a plant layout such that the distance between adjacent workstation is minimum. This will reduce material handling cost and time. Excessive movement of products can at times cause damage and deterioration of product quality. 4) Manufacturing lead time to be minimum so as to reduce waiting time for starting production when an order is booked. 5) Close ties with supplier making sure they are located in close geographic proximity in order to promote strong partnerships and better synchronise product flows. Current status and requirements for adopting JIT in Sunwind: 1) High raw material and WIP inventory level. High batch sizes don’t allow problems to surface immediately. This hinders quality check at source. Few of the quality control procedures were followed in practice. Processes were not monitored formally. Defects were inspected by customers after delivery instead of identification in-house. Defective materials were rejected by eliminating the problem but no summary statements were available in Sunwind concerning the rejects. Sun Wind needs to reduce its inventory level and present MLT so as to identify defects at source thereby reducing cost as rejection rate comes down. 2) Presently in Sun wind due to extended delivery lead time of some items (eg. Carpeting) the purchasing department uses a 3-6 months planning horizon. On the contrary the production planning department focuses on first four weeks of delivery schedule which unnecessarily increases the inventory level. As a result raw material inventory unnecessarily goes up. Sun Wind should ask it supplier to reduce this lead time as it is planning to go for JIT. The benefits of a successful JIT can only be realized if your inventory levels are low. Considering suppliers as partners in venture can build long term profitable relationship wherein there is a win-win situation for everyone. 3) Sun Wind is presently operating in moderate batches which is giving a very high Manufacturing lead time which is not acceptable for a JIT . To meet the increased demand for Volvo Sunwind needs to improve its cycle time as well as reduce its MLT by reducing batch size. Only operation 6 has a significant set up time which has to be reduced for going to JIT by enacting machine controls or preparing for changeovers while a job currently in production is still being processed. 4) In Sunwind the workstation load at different operations is not uniform. The cycle time at different processes vary considerably. As a result there is inventory pile up at workstations with high cycle time. Capacity planning and line balancing are to be used to meet the changed requirement of Volvo plant in 1987. In 1987, Volvo needs 65000 units of 700 series 5-door station wagons. To meet this demand Sunwind needs to produce =65000/52= 1250 units/week. At current capacity Sunwind can only produce 350 units/week. To meet the demand Sunwind needs to produce=1250/5=250 units/day. We propose change in number of workers and number of shifts to meet the required demand(considering Save plant of Sunwind alone will be producing for all Volvo plants) as shown below. Present Situation Proposed Capacity Planning and line balancing to meet new requirement In this changed line balancing the bottleneck operation is Operation 6 with a cycle time of 2. 83 mins. Since operation 6 has got maximum set up time and Sunwind is producing 32 combinations of part/color/carpet, we assume Japanese concept of heijunka for a JIT, a batch of 32 each wherein all the varieties will be there per batch. Assuming a reduced set up time of 15 mins /batch for JIT achieved by machine control , we get a cycle time of 2. 83+0. 47= 3. 3 mins. Since this operation is run for two shifts the daily production will be = 2*8*60/3. 3= 290 units/day. Operation 7 which has a lower cycle time becomes the bottle neck as the process is run for 1 shift only. No of units produced /day = 8*60/1. 3=262 units. Hence we can say the actual bottleneck is operation 7 with a cycle time of 1. 83 mins which run for single shift. Hence this becomes the cycle time for the entire batch process. To meet this requirement 3 additional workers at Sun wind’s Save factory are needed as per changed capacity planning. In this scenario of JIT an operational efficiency of above 95 % will be need ed to meet the demand requirement of 250 units/day or 1250 units/week (assuming 5 days week) If each batch of JIT is 32 units, in that case per day no of batches produced will be =250/32=7. Hence a JIT will shorten the Manufacturing lead time thereby reducing the inventory level and lumpy requirements on different workstations. This will help identify defects immediately and strengthen quality control measures and help achieve higher efficiency. MLT for JIT= WIP* Cycle time = 32*6*1. 83=351. 4 mins=5. 86 hours. Q 10 Assuming that Sunwind is now ready for JIT delivery (hope so, based on your Q1 to 9 analysis and suggested improvement), how to synchronize the delivery of product 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda Plant? For this you may require the one day demand of Torsdland plant) Ans. The actual demand of 5 door model 700 for Volvo’s Torslanda Plant is 1985 is 17050. The total demand for Volvo isn 1985 is 33665. So Torslanda plant produced around 51 % of total Volvoâ €™s production. Considering the same percentage production of total Volvo’s requirement, by using the overall forecasted demand of Volvo plant in 1986, Torslanda plant will require to produce =51% of 62400= 31824 units annually. Hence per week demand is calculated to be=31824/52= 612 units. Since Sunwind runs 5 days a week, daily production requirement will be=612/5= 122 units. Considering new Capacity planning and line balancing for Sunwind as in Q7, our cycle time is 1. 83 mins ( bottleneck process 7 running for single shift). As the bottleneck operation is for single shift, in order to synchronise the delivery of products 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda plant we need to have an MLT which will be atleast= 8*60/4= 120 mins. Considering the previously arrived cycle time of 1. 83 mins in Q7 There will be WIP of equal size at 6 different work stations (Operation 1 to 7) where processing will be done in batches. Hence maximum batch size that can be allowed so as to make a just in time delivery of new order booked 4 times a day =120/(6*1. 83)=11 Lot sizes of 11 units if produced in JIT system can enable us to deliver products 4 times a day, if the product criteria and combination is known beforehand.

Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Questions to Answer in Your University Book Review

5 Questions to Answer in Your University Book Review 5 Questions to Answer in Your University Book Review At first thought, it seems that there is no difference between a book review, book report and book summary. The only true fact is that all these types of writing deal with a book. However, among the three a book review has a special purpose to describe, analyse and evaluate books citing evidence and examples from the book in question. Many students are not sure that they’re on the right way while working on a university book review. As a result, they can get very low scores for it. Want to be highly assessed? Bring 5 questions into focus to answer them in your book review. 1.   Who is the Author of the Book? In a book review, you have to give credit to the author. The author’s name and background should be part of an introduction. You can also state the perspective from which the author wrote the book and evaluate if he or she was biased in favour of writing the book or not. Besides, focus on the question why the author wrote on this subject rather than on some other subject. 2.   What is the Thesis of the Book? A good book review has two theses the author’s thesis and your thesis based on how you understand the book. Concerning the authors thesis, you should explain whether he or she expresses it adequately in the book and by what means. Cite examples from the book to support your claims. Another thesis brings new insight into the book content and should help readers understand it from different perspectives. You can provide both   evaluations positive and negative. 3.   Was the Intended Message Delivered Effectively? Every book intends to carry a particular message to the audience. A clear message is meant to emerge from writing. It is your task as a student to determine what message the author intended to communicate and whether he/she effectively got across this message. Feel free to criticize anything that you feel the author didn’t capture perfectly. After all, that’s the essence of a book review be critical. To critically analyze and evaluate a book in your review! 4.   What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book? A book review is not yet complete if you don’t highlight various strengths and weaknesses belonging to the book under consideration. It is recommended that you have a paragraph with each point. Cite evidence from the book by explaining them, otherwise, your book review won’t be reliable as required. For each weakness, you should provide a possible solution that can help improve the book. 5.   Is there an Alternative Way of Arguing the Same Idea? It is within the bounds of possibility that people can be on opposite ends. When it comes to a book review, don’t forget to demonstrate the other ways of presenting the same idea. Irrespective of whether the author argued his/her ideas effectively you should evaluate whether there are possible alternatives to it. State them and explain how each of them would have brought a whole new dimension into the book. There are a few basic questions that you have to answer when writing a university book review. We have highlighted them that you should pay attention to so that you’ll be able to write a really good book review. Another way to complete a review without being confused is to apply our custom writing service for buying book reviews online. Our academic writers are ready to help you out immediately you ask for assistance.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Thom Mayne, Short Bio of an American Pritzker Winner

Thom Mayne, Short Bio of an American Pritzker Winner Thom Mayne has been called many things, from an uncompromising rebel to just plain difficult. Hes also been an academic, mentor, and prize-winning architect for many decades. Most importantly, Maynes legacy includes solving urban problems through connections and viewing architecture as a continuous process rather than a static form. Background: Born: January 19, 1944, Waterbury, Connecticut Education and Professional Training: 1968: Bachelor of Architecture, University of Southern California1978: Master of Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design Professional: 1968-1970: Planner for Victor Gruen1972: Founder Morphosis, Culver City, California1972: Co-founder Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Santa Monica, California Selected Buildings: 1978: 2-4-6-8 House, Venice, California1983: 72 Market Street Restaurant, Venice, CA (1986 AIA Merit Award)1986: Kate Mantilini Restaurant, Beverly Hills, CA1988: Cedar Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, CA1990: The Crawford Residence, Montecito, CA1991: Salick Health Care Office Building, Los Angeles, CA (1992 AIA Honor Award)1990: MTV Studios, Los Angeles, CA1995: The Blades Residence, Santa Barbara, CA1997: Sun Tower, Seoul, South Korea1999: Diamond Ranch High School, Pomona, California2002: Hypo Alpe-Adria Center, Austria2005: Caltrans District 7 Headquarters, Los Angeles, CA2006: Wayne L. Morse United States Courthouse, Oregon2007: U.S. Federal Building, San Francisco, CA2009: Float House, Make it Right Foundation2009: Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 41 Cooper Square, NYC2013: Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas, Texas2014: Gates Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York2014: Emerson Los Angeles (ELA), Hollywood, CA2016: Hanking Center T ower, Shenzhen, China 2017: Bloomberg Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Other Designs: 1981: Vietnam War Memorial Competition1990: Osaka Expo 90 Folly, Japan2000: New York Times Magazine Time Capsule competition2003: Silent Collisions, Belgium Awards: 1987: Rome Prize, American Academy of Design in Rome1992: Brunner Prize Award in Architecture, American Academy of Arts and Letters2004: Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA)2005: Pritzker Prize2009: President Obamas Commission on Arts and Humanities2013: AIA Gold Medal Thom Mayne In His Own Words: I have absolutely no interest in producing a building that just accommodates X, Y and Z function.- 2005, TED But basically, what we do is, we try to give coherence to the world. We make physical things, buildings that become a part in an accretional process; they make cities. And those things are the reflection of the processes, and the time that they are made. And what Im doing is attempting to synthesize the way one sees the world and the territories which are useful as generative material.- 2005, TED ...the idea that architecture is defined as single buildings- of whatever size- that can be plugged into a comprehensible, planned urban matrix is no longer adequate to address the needs of people adapting to a highly mobile and ever-changing urban society.- 2011, Combinatory Urbanism, p. 9 I have no interest at all in conceiving something in my brain and saying, This is what it looks like....Architecture is the beginning of something, because its- if youre not involved in first principles, if youre not involved in the absolute, the beginning of that generative process, its cake decoration....its not what Im interested in doing. And so, in the formation of things, in giving it form, in concretizing these things, it starts with some notion of how one organizes.- 2005, TED The practice of architecture, which has traditionally been aligned with permanence and stability, must change to accommodate and take advantage of the rapid changes and increased complexities of contemporary reality....combinatory urbanism engages the premise of continuous process over static form....- 2011, Combinatory Urbanism, p. 29 No matter what Ive done, what Ive tried to do, everybody says it cant be done. And its continuous across the complete spectrum of the various kind of realities that you confront with your ideas. And to be an architect, somehow you have to negotiate between left and right, and you have to negotiate between this very private place where ideas take place and the outside world, and then make it understood.- 2005, TED If you want to survive, youre going to have to change. If you dont change, youre going to perish. Simple as that.- 2005, AIA National Convention (PDF) What Others Say About Mayne: Thom Mayne has been, throughout his career, regarded as a rebel. Even today, after his recognized success as an architect of major building projects, requiring the management of a large office- Morphosis- and a world-wide practice, terms like maverick and bad boy and difficult to work with still cling to his reputation. Part of this is the attraction of the popular press, where he appears frequently, to anything racy and even slightly scandalous. Part of it is a sign of respect- we want our American heroes to be tough and independent, having their own ideals, charting their own paths. Part of it is, in Maynes case, simply true.- Lebbeus Woods (1940-2012), architect Maynes approach toward architecture and his philosophy is not derived from European modernism, Asian influences, or even from American precedents of the last century. He has sought throughout his career to create an original architecture, one that is truly representative of the unique, somewhat rootless, culture of Southern California, especially the architecturally rich city of Los Angeles. Like the Eameses, Neutra, Schindler, and Gehry before him, Thom Mayne is an authentic addition to the tradition of innovative, exciting architectural talent that flourishes on the West Coast.- Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury Citation Maynes architecture does not rebel against conventions so much as it absorbs and transforms them and moves on in a direction that demonstrates how buildings and the spaces they provide, both within and without, can engage the unpredictable yet highly tangible dynamics of the present. He accepts the conventional typologies- bank, high school, courthouse, office building- of the programs his clients hand to him, with a generosity that speaks of his respect for the needs of others, even those with whom he shares little in the way of outlook and sensibility.- Lebbeus Woods Sources: Whos Who in America 2012, 66th edition, vol. 2, Marquis Whos Who  ©2011, p. 2903; Biography, An Essay on Thom Mayne By Lebbeus Woods, and Jury Citation,  © The Hyatt Foundation,; Thom Mayne on architecture as connection, TED Talk Filmed February 2005 [accessed June 13, 2013]; Combinatory Urbanism, Selected Introductory Material the New Orleans Urban Redevelopment chapter (PDF), 2011 [accessed June 16, 2013] Learn More: Combinatory Urbanism: The Complex Behavior of Collective Form by Thom Mayne, 2011Thom Mayne: U.S. Federal Office Building, San Francisco, Tom Piper and Charles Gansa, Directors, Landmarks in 21st Century American Architecture Series, Checkerboard Film Foundation, 2008 (DVD)Morphosis: Buildings and Projects

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic Situation Analysis for Developing Critical Thinking Skills - Essay - 8

Strategic Situation Analysis for Developing Critical Thinking Skills - Matching Dell - Essay Example The approach towards analyzing a situation is based on productive and critical mindset and involves several steps in its execution. One of the most important steps in SSAS is to investigate the underlying strategy of a situation and find out how that strategy influences the outcomes, productivity, and results of the study at hand. This constitutes the third step in the SSAS approach. The pertinent case study is dealing with the functioning of the Dell computer company, and its comparison with its rival companies. This involves examining the management and strategies of the Dell Corporation and matching it with its rival corporations. Towards the mid-‘90s, the advent of personalized computers had taken over the market, and more and more customers were finding new reasons to obtain their own computers. This meant that computers were no longer limited to big corporations and businesses, but were becoming a household commodity. This gave companies like IBM and Apple, which were previously manufacturing mainframe machines, to produce PCs and tap the huge profits in this sector. Initially, IBM, the leading company in computer hardware, took over the market by manufacturing PCs and loading them with software developed mainly by Microsoft. Their contract with Microsoft proved fruitful and they were soon the leaders in the market. Other companies like Compaq, HP (Hewlett-Packard) and Gateway followed suit. They all focused on developing the hardware and contracting with software companies like Microsoft or Apple to provide them with the operational programs, and their main customers were big and medium-sized corpor ate organizations. Dell was another such company dealing with the manufacturing of PCs.However,  their method of working was radically different  from the other companies,  and it was so successful  that it gave  them a huge edge of advantage that  soon earned them  the leading position in the market.

Abuse of the Elderly in Nursing Homes Research Paper - 1

Abuse of the Elderly in Nursing Homes - Research Paper Example It is hard to identify elderly abuse in nursing homes since old and frail people are prone to various accidents (Bonnie, 34). Residents in nursing homes normally have very poor safety awareness and therefore there many injuries and falls. It is normally hard to know whether their injuries are caused by incidents that cannot be prevented or from negligence and abuse. This paper explores deeply the types of abuse that elderly people go through in nursing homes and what should be done to alleviate this problem. According to studies, almost one in three nursing homes has had a case of abuse of the residents in US (Waxman, 1). Elderly abuse comes in various forms there are however two main types of abuse, physical and sexual. However, I have classified types of abuse as, financial abuse, sexual, neglect, false imprisonment and actual physical abuse. Financial abuse occurs whereby staff members at nursing homes abuse the residents by stealing their properties. They can also be able to access their bank details and use them to withdraw their money from the bank. There have been reported cases of this kind of abuse, in some cases staff take residents’ financial resources. Since most elders in nursing homes are sick and frail, the staffs know that their actions cannot be reported unless a relative of the victim realizes and takes action. Sexual abuse for seniors living in nursing homes involves unwanted, inappropriate touching, and sexual activities. Most residents of nursing homes are weak, frail, and therefore vulnerable to sexual abuse. Nursing homes staff members, visitors as well as residents who are sexually active can commit sexual abuse. Nursing homes can be held accountable for reported sexual abuse in their residence if it is proven that they failed to do a proper background check to an abusive staff. They can also be held accountable if it is proven that they do not supervise their employees adequately. Failures to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sixth Sense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sixth Sense - Essay Example Humans have been fantasizing about the touch screens being displayed on walls and touching them to talk to a friend with his picture or video. This fantasy is soon going to become real after the development of sixth sense technology. Sixth sense is a device which you can wear and it is highly portable. Physical world, around us, is enhanced by the digital world with the help of this technology. Sixth sense technology is a perfect combination of the digital and physical world. It can help you to find out the data about any physical object which is present in the digital world. If you have to find out some information about anything in a shopping mall e.g. you are purchasing a toilet paper and you want to know that which toilet paper company is more responsible toward an environment, sixth sense technology will help you to find out everything. A green, orange or red circle will appear on the object to tell you that whether you should buy this or not. You can also see videos of certain happenings if you are reading a newspaper. You can checkout a person’s information in just one look. All the information present on the internet about any person will be displayed and this includes his/her interests, education and other history. It is a real integration of digital and physical world. Sixth sense technology is a blend of many other existing technologies and they all integrate to perform a lot of functions. In the device of sixth sense technology, there is image capturing, gesture recognition, processing and manipulation. You can capture an image by single, natural hand gesture and this image will be stored in your device. This image can be displayed on any flat surface and then you can edit these images and even resize them. This function involves image capturing, gesture recognition and processing. When you meet some person or look at anything in a market, information about those things will be displayed in front of you

Distinct Varieties of Masculinity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Distinct Varieties of Masculinity - Essay Example The feminists believe that the discrimination curtails women rights and seek to see the situation changed. (Piper 2009) Masculinity refers to masculine which denote something related to a male who include men and boys. (Piper 2011) defines masculinity as an expression to serve and not to be served expressing a sacrifice for the woman, which requires giving direction and having a final say. While looking at the distinct values of masculinity arises from the comparison of feminist and masculinity where feminist seek for equality between men and women, but some things constitute for womanhood and others manhood. The essay below discusses the comparison of the two in regard to distinct variety of masculinity. Distinct varieties of masculinity To begin with thoughts and experiences of men, they help in understanding gender in terms of the masculine variables, as opposed to feminist. (Rotundo, p. 106) argues that women beauty lured men from their known pleasure and secure culture to follow ing women. Therefore, opining that gender gets socially construed with masculine thoughts and behaviors arising from social and cultural processes. The scholar opines that the new complex culture, give rise to the conception of self made manhood. (Rotundo, p. 80 ) Explains the boy’s culture, which prepared boys, for rough and competitive world of politics and business, also the youth culture characterized by debating clubs, where they learned new skills and how to compete in socially acceptable ways. Similarly, (Rotundo, p 86) expresses the idea of masculinity by demonstrating thinking and experiences during both boys and youth culture. Both cultures have great emotional depth involving wrestling, fisticuffs’ and rehearsals for marriage by teenage boys in preparation for adult responsibilities. The thoughts of young men inclined to taming girls while driven by desires for sex and home cooked food because they regarded women to be different from men. More so, the develo pment of culture had many think that masculinity manifested in the success of men in both business and politics. Argument and opinion Rotundo’s argument that masculinity can be traced from the thoughts and experiences of as construed in the cultural and social development has a lot of merits and some controversies. The following reasons support Rotundo’s argument: that culture develops and so the thinking and experience of a person changes as the social and cultural responsibility change; people do grow and so changes occur, so masculinity can be examined at different stages of one’s life as Rotundo considers the issue in different cultural stages; argument that a society undergoes economic and social changes (Rotundo, p. 22) requires that man change masculinity to adopt with the new roles. Therefore, this concept of distinct of masculinity is worthy agreeable with since the feminine assume its feminist like ways. Secondly, transforming masculinity can be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alternative Forms In Theatre Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Alternative Forms In Theatre - Case Study Example The theatre provides an exciting opportunity to watch stories and situations as if they were real life, showing us the truth of our nature. For as long as humankind exists, theatre will always take on an important function within its cultures (Frazier 89). Through theatre, a culture expresses itself, reflects its society, and displays its individuality. It invites people to experience other cultures (Brown 192). Nevertheless, the question at hand is whether theatre will have a role in the society of the future, where cinema, digital television, and computers will continue to expand and grow. The answer to this question is yes. Theatre will only be a fraction in a solid media industry. Theatre on the other hand, and its contents may take on a larger dimension, but we receive it directly in flesh and blood - one to one. The magical atmosphere between an actor and spectator who are constantly aware of each other and the theatre's level of engagement is fundamentally more human and far more intimate. Theatre will survive because of its greatness, it is not just a performance. It is the mixture of the courage of its creators and the hopes and expectations of the audience. Theatre draws its reason for existence from its strength and diversion, its human contact, its passion, its energy and its excitement. This "flesh and blood" experience of the theatre contributes to the concept of "performed id entities" within the actual theoretical performance (Flannery 86). In A Streetcar Named Desire the audience experiences the performed identities of males and females in the culture of the time. In The Emperor Jones, the audience is brought into the performed identity of the emperor as a man who is corrupted by power, and thus corrupts himself. By taking a close look at the theatrical performances, we can see how the personal identities are demonstrated in each of the main characters; Blanche and the emperor.Good drama is built on conflict of some kind -- an opposition of forces or desires that must be resolved by the end of the story. When developing "performed identities" this is certainly true. A Streetcar Named Desire employs exactly that. An opposition of forces, and desire, all of which must come to some sort of resolution or conclusion at the end spurns on the performed identies of the characters. The way the theatre presents this drama enlightens the audience regarding the pe rformed identities of the main character, Blanche. The recent production of this play did a fantastic job of introducing the audience to the conflicts and performed identities at the start of the play. The first scene had the actors presenting, with very realistic emotion, elements of which add to the drama of the play through the performed identities of the characters. The acting helped to enforce the concepts of the performed identities through the theatrical presentation of things as Stella being pregnant, Blanche moving in with Stanley & Stella, and Stanley's distrust for Blanche.The performed identities are further presented through the production and presentation of the actors as the items in the play continually progress. The actors and actresses do a fantastic job of enforcing the emotional concepts behind the play, and focusing the performed identity concept mostly on Blanche as the struggling female. The emotional presentation of

Marketing Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Management - Coursework Example Just like any other industry, banks also have various methods of developing relationships with their customers and personal clients. In banks, customer loyalty remains the cornerstone of the current market conditions. Losing a customer in the banking industry is an absolute mistake especially when fighting with competitors in the market. Some of the common methods in which banks use to develop their ongoing customer relationships include building communication with their personal customers, enhancing customer services, extensive research on their clients and identifying of their customer needs and wants (Kotler & Keller, 2011, p. 173). Additionally, banks also develop their customer relationships by providing full disclosure while interacting with their personal customers. In order to develop relationships with their personal clients, most banks maintain effective financial-driven communication with their clients. Multiple communication systems between the clients and the banks help in creating openness between the customer and the banks. Barclays bank is known for its effective communication with its clients and personal customers. Generally, the bank has established good communication and rapport with its customers hence guaranteeing eagerness of customers doing business with the company. Proper identification of customer needs and wants in banks is usually accomplished by maintaining customer interaction and communication. Additionally, using background research remains important in establishing customer needs and wants. Both approaches help banks in developing relationships with its customers (Kotler & Keller, 2011, p. 67-73). This aspect mostly means focusing on provision of complete answers to customer concerns and queries. The whole process involves honesty during communications and setting reasonable expectations for personal clients. The whole process helps in building

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Alternative Forms In Theatre Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Alternative Forms In Theatre - Case Study Example The theatre provides an exciting opportunity to watch stories and situations as if they were real life, showing us the truth of our nature. For as long as humankind exists, theatre will always take on an important function within its cultures (Frazier 89). Through theatre, a culture expresses itself, reflects its society, and displays its individuality. It invites people to experience other cultures (Brown 192). Nevertheless, the question at hand is whether theatre will have a role in the society of the future, where cinema, digital television, and computers will continue to expand and grow. The answer to this question is yes. Theatre will only be a fraction in a solid media industry. Theatre on the other hand, and its contents may take on a larger dimension, but we receive it directly in flesh and blood - one to one. The magical atmosphere between an actor and spectator who are constantly aware of each other and the theatre's level of engagement is fundamentally more human and far more intimate. Theatre will survive because of its greatness, it is not just a performance. It is the mixture of the courage of its creators and the hopes and expectations of the audience. Theatre draws its reason for existence from its strength and diversion, its human contact, its passion, its energy and its excitement. This "flesh and blood" experience of the theatre contributes to the concept of "performed id entities" within the actual theoretical performance (Flannery 86). In A Streetcar Named Desire the audience experiences the performed identities of males and females in the culture of the time. In The Emperor Jones, the audience is brought into the performed identity of the emperor as a man who is corrupted by power, and thus corrupts himself. By taking a close look at the theatrical performances, we can see how the personal identities are demonstrated in each of the main characters; Blanche and the emperor.Good drama is built on conflict of some kind -- an opposition of forces or desires that must be resolved by the end of the story. When developing "performed identities" this is certainly true. A Streetcar Named Desire employs exactly that. An opposition of forces, and desire, all of which must come to some sort of resolution or conclusion at the end spurns on the performed identies of the characters. The way the theatre presents this drama enlightens the audience regarding the pe rformed identities of the main character, Blanche. The recent production of this play did a fantastic job of introducing the audience to the conflicts and performed identities at the start of the play. The first scene had the actors presenting, with very realistic emotion, elements of which add to the drama of the play through the performed identities of the characters. The acting helped to enforce the concepts of the performed identities through the theatrical presentation of things as Stella being pregnant, Blanche moving in with Stanley & Stella, and Stanley's distrust for Blanche.The performed identities are further presented through the production and presentation of the actors as the items in the play continually progress. The actors and actresses do a fantastic job of enforcing the emotional concepts behind the play, and focusing the performed identity concept mostly on Blanche as the struggling female. The emotional presentation of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Early Spanish And Early English Colonization In America Essay - 1

Early Spanish And Early English Colonization In America - Essay Example At the time New Mexico established, it collapsed because of inadequate wealth. In the New England, separatists and Puritans constituted the population. Following the dissent and reformation of England, the people of England stated to arrive in the new America for the reasons of religion. New England colonies were made up of mostly Catholics and Puritans who banked their hope on putting their beliefs in practice with no interference from church hierarchy or England. The colonial extension under Castile’s crown was instigated by Spanish conquerors and grown by Spanish monarchy through its missionaries and administrators. The motivation for the expansion of colonies was increased Christianity faith and trade through local conversations. This took a period of over 400 years from the year 1492 to the year 1898. To start with is the arrival of Columbus in the year 1942, over 4 centuries the empire of the Spaniards would extend across: in the present day in most Central America, Mexico, and Caribbean island; most of American North that include Southern coastal, Southwestern, California part of United States; and although not active, with territory claimed presently British Columbia; and states of Oregon, Washington and Alaska; and South America. At the start of 19th C, the movements on revolution ended up in the independence of many American Spanish colonies, with exception of Puerto Rico and Cuba, released in the year 1898 subsequent to the wa r waged by Spain against the Americans, together with Philippines and Guam in Pacific. The political loss of the last territories by Spain brought an end to the Spanish colonization (Kathy, pp 64) The settlements of the Spanish in the South West of America and English colonies in the New England in the 17th C may be contrasted in basically two ways. To start with, their political patterns were based entirely on different government systems and classes of the ruling.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Union Victory of the Civil War Essay Example for Free

Union Victory of the Civil War Essay Even before the Civil War actually started, the North had already enjoyed two distinct advantages over the South. Although it also benefited from some excellent strategic decisions as the war progressed, those two pre-war factors ultimately spelled defeat for the army of the secessionists from the south. The first of these advantages was the North’s edge in population. While the southern states only had a combined population of 9 million people (including their slaves), the population of the north was 22 million (including some emancipated slaves). That ratio of 2. 44:1 later proved decisive since the North possessed the capacity of raising and fielding more fighting men to sustain its war effort (Murphy, 2008). The second factor was the difference in their economic thrusts. Whereas the North concentrated on industry and commerce to boost its economy, the South relied on an agricultural economy. In other words, the North had industrial plants while the South could only boast of its farms. The superiority of the North’s economic development became apparent when the war dragged on. It was able to convert its factories to war materials production to support its army in the field while the South had to rely on its foreign trading partners for the replenishment of its war chest. Now, since the North had a stronger navy than the South, it was able to rule the seas and managed to organize an effective blockade, thereby preventing the South from procuring war supplies from other countries. The effect was a weakened southern army due to a depleted supply. These were the two primary reasons that gave rise to the observation that the South was doomed from the start (Murphy, 2008). Some observers believed that these advantages which the North enjoyed at the outset were initially offset by two factors which worked in favor of the South. The first was the fact that the Confederate Army was commanded by better military leaders. Before the Civil War broke out, majority of the finest and more senior commanders in the United States military came from the South. This was because of a southern culture which prized a military career for their men. Because of this culture, it had been customary for rich families to send their sons to the West Point Military Academy which was located in the North and start their career in the military. As soon as the secession was announced by the southern states, many of them resigned from their posts to serve with the Confederate Army. Some of these officers were Generals Robert E. Lee, Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson, Albert Sidney Johnston, James Longstreet, P. G. T. Beauregard, and Joseph E. Johnston. Most of them held more senior ranks in the United States Army compared to majority of the officers who remained with the Union Army of the North (EDSITEment, n. d. ). The second advantage of the South, according to observers, was the theater of operations and the character of the war itself. Since the Union Army invaded the South, the war was fought on southern territory. This means that the Confederate soldiers had the advantage of knowing the terrain better than the enemy who had to fight in unknown territory. It follows, therefore, that the soldiers of the Confederacy were more mobile and flexible. There was also the fact that for the Southerners, the war was defensive in character. War strategists believe that victory is easily achieved in a defensive war since the defenders have only to defend their ground and wear the invaders down. The North had the more difficult task of occupying the South and forcing them to surrender (EDSITEment, n. d. ). In addition, the Confederate soldiers were more passionate and more desperate for victory. They were defending their soil, their institutions, and most of all, their families. Someone said that When you believe that you are defending your wife and children from invaders, you care more about your cause than those who are simply being paid a wage to go fight for a cause that does not influence their lives as directly. This made a significant difference on the battlefield (Murphy, 2008). The soldiers of the Confederate Army, therefore, enjoyed a higher morale on top of their superiority as far as mastery of the topography of the areas where the war was fought was concerned. Unfortunately, these were not enough for them to win a protracted war. In fact their â€Å"home court† advantage was believed to have worked against them as the war progressed. For every successful thrust on the part of the Union soldiers which resulted to the capture of a piece of Southern territory, the adverse effect on the morale of Confederate soldiers had been substantial. This was particularly apparent when the Union Army succeeded in capturing an area situated between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian Mountains and when the Confederate Army was effectively cut off from their important industrial and agricultural resources as a result of successful campaigns waged by the Union Army in the central and western regions of Tennessee (EDSITEment, n. d. ). The South was likewise believed to have acted based on a false assumption which contributed greatly to their defeat. This false assumption was echoed by South Carolina Senator James Henry Hammond in 1858 when he said that the South was in such a valued station that no country would even think of declaring war against it. Specifically, he declared that â€Å"The world was so dependent on cotton that Southerners could coerce any foreign country into coming to their aid merely by threatening not to sell it† (EDSITEment, n. d. ). Indeed, if Great Britain, who was a major consumer of the South’s cotton, sided with the Confederacy, the war could have ended differently. The South was so confident in their hold of the world cotton market that when the blockade was declared by Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, who was then acting as President of the Confederacy, did not do anything about it. He was certain that when the countries in Europe would be starved of cotton, they would voluntarily send their navies to destroy the blockade set up by the North, declaring war against the Union in the process. Unfortunately, this was not what happened. Instead, the European countries merely turned to Egypt and India for their cotton requirements, dealing a hard blow to the economy of the South (Newton, Poulter, Simon, Symonds, and Woodworth, 2005). In the end, the great military commanders of the Confederate Army could not do anything with a depleted army and were forced to surrender. The destruction of the economy of the South proved to be the most decisive factor in the Civil War (Murphy, 2008). References EDSITEment. (n. d. ). On the Eve of War: North vs. South. Retrieved April 28, 2008 from http://edsitement. neh. gov/printable_lesson_plan. asp? id=745 Murphy, A. (2008). Strengths Weaknesses of the North and South During the Civil War. Retrieved April 28, 2008 from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/532303/strengths_weaknesses_of_the_north and. html Newton, S. H. , Poulter, K. , Simon, J. Y. , Symonds, C. L. , and Woodworth, S. E. (2005).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Benefits of Team Sports Participation Essay -- argumentative, persu

There are many benefits gained from participating in team sports. Team participation can build self esteem, promote social interaction and help one gain a sense of responsibility. Being involved in a team sport can also help you to attain personal fitness goals and maintain wellness. The time spent practicing with a team, will improve your skills and give you countless hours of enjoyment. Participating in a team sport can increase one’s self esteem. By being part of a team, you will give and receive praise. Receiving recognition from a team mate or a coach will boost your self esteem because you have been acknowledged for your efforts. As you are praised for your efforts, you will become more confident, thus improving your self esteem. Often times, the bond formed between team mates on the field translates into a friendship off the field. As team mates come to depend on each other and know that they are depended on, their level of commitment or responsibility to the game and skills needed for the game increases. Perhaps you have decided that you want to lose weight or just become more physically fit. Being involved in team sports can help you achieve this goal. First of all, decide on a sport that you enjoy. Secondly, start practicing and playing with the team on a regular basis. Last but not least, incorporate healthy food choices into your diet. As you become more active, you will lose weight and become more fit. After you have achieved your goal weight and level of fitness, maintain it by continuing to stay active and committed to a team sport. Having a fun, physical activity to share with friends, such as team sports, will help you maintain wellness. An article titled â€Å"The Benefits of Team Sports† fro... ... in a meeting that there is an upcoming project and that everyone must contribute to the completion of the project, he expects for all the employees to work together to finish. When it comes time to present your project and everyone else had completed their assigned task to specifications but you have gone off and made your own plans for how to complete the project, then it isn’t going to be completed or presented correctly. Because of your inability to listen and follow directions, you could run the risk of you being fired or possibly risk someone else’s job. You will also receive a poor performance review that could end up affecting your paycheck ultimately. Works Cited Alan Smithee, â€Å"How Participation in Team Sports Impacts People’s Lives† Found at Lucy Rector Filppu, â€Å"The Benefits of Team Sports† Found at

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rosenberg :: essays research papers

September 28, 1915: Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg born March 1917: The Russian Revolution begins 1917: Espionage Act that the Rosenbergs are convicted of violating is enacted May 12, 1918: Julius Rosenberg born 1929: Communist Party of the United States is founded Early 1930's: Julius Rosenberg is member of Young Communist League; campaigns for Scottsboro Boys 1934: Julius Rosenberg enters City College of New York; is involved in radical politics Summer 1939: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg married December 7, 1941: United States enters World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor 1942: Julius Rosenberg becomes member of U. S. Signal Corps 1943: Rosenbergs cease open activities with Communist Party; Daily Worker subscription stops 1943: Soviet spymaster Feklisov first meets with Julius Rosenberg July 1944: David Greenglass chosen to work on the Manhattan Project November 1944: Julius Rosenberg recruits aid of Greenglasses in obtaining information about the Manhattan Project December 1944: Julius Rosenberg provides Soviets with a proximity fuse January 1945: David Greenglass provides his own notes and a sketch of a high-explosive lens from the Manhattan Project June 1945: Harry Gold meets with Greenglass in Albuqurque July 16, 1945: United States explodes first Atom bomb at Alamogordo, New Mexico August 6, 1945: United States drops Atom bomb at Hiroshima September 2, 1945: World War II ends with the Japanese surrender September, 1945: Greenglass meets with Rosenberg while on forlough in New York 1945: Julius Rosenberg is dismissed from U. S. Signal Corps 1946: Feklisov meets with Julius Rosenberg for the last time Late 1946: The Verona Code is broken 1947: Rosenberg's machine shop business fails June 30, 1948: Max Elitcher and Morton Sobell drive to Catherine Slip where Sobell met with Julius Rosenberg to exchange microfilm August 28, 1949: Soviets detonate their first Atom bomb January 21, 1950: Alger Hiss convicted of perjury in denying that he passed secret documents to Communist agent Whittaker Chambers February 2, 1950: Klaus Fuchs arrested March 1950: Julius Rosenberg warns Greenglass to flee country May 1950: Rosenberg asks his physician about what kind of shots are necessary for trip to Mexico May 22, 1950: Harry Gold confesses to the FBI May or June 1950: Rosenbergs visit a photographer to obtain passport photos June 15, 1950: David Greenglass names Julius as the man who recruited him to spy for the Soviet Union June 16, 1950: Julius Rosenberg is first interviewed by FBI; Joel Barr disappears in Paris June 30, 1950: United States forces engage in the Korean War